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Data Virtualization

Full data interoperability with easily processed results on top of any cloud, multi-cloud, or on-premises dataset.

Data Virtualization hero graphic

Governed data analytics environments on virtualized datasets

Learn more about the benefits of secure data virtualization.

You want to travel. Your data doesn’t

Worried about compliance and data governance? Intertrust Data Virtualization brings secure analytics to your data.

No need to duplicate or migrate data to a data lake or centralized data warehouse. 

With Intertrust Data Virtualization, all tasks such as data integration, data sanitization, policy and access integration, and correlation are defined in the virtual logical layer, which is then applied to data as it is fetched from the source data store. 

You want to travel. Your data doesn’t under hero graphic

Make agile, data-driven operational decisions

Streamline internal and external data access and processing. Create logical datasets from existing data stores located on-premises or in the cloud.

Drive digital transformation.

Enable a proper data fabric framework

  • Strengthen enterprise data governance architectures
  • Integrate and simplify data management with granular data analysis and development
  • Speed up delivery times for data layer creation
Enable a proper data fabric framework thumbnail

Maintain strict access control over data

  • Share data seamlessly with specific stakeholders
  • Provide granular, row- and column-level security controls to the data stack
  • Run federated data queries, right at the source
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Simplify data operations processes

  • Add value to data management with unparalleled agility
  • Standardize data for downstream consumption
  • Reduce analytics time-to-market,  with a much shorter implementation cycle than traditional data integration
Simplify data operations processes thumbnail

Intertrust Data Virtualization in action

As a key feature of the Intertrust Platform, Data Virtualization facilitates the integration of disparate multi-cloud/on-premises data sources and provides the core data operations for automotive, energy, utilities, smart city planning, and other verticals.

Automotive icon


Intertrust Data Virtualization enables the development and deployment of data science models that predict customer traffic at automobile service centers.

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Intertrust Data Virtualization services enable E.ON to manage data operations around their mission-critical electrical grid data and share it seamlessly with multiple stakeholders in the energy ecosystem in an agile process, with the best data security practices.

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Smart cities

Smart city planners and officials are turning to Intertrust to help create a trusted data exchange ecosystem that can allow secure data collaboration, aggregation, virtualization, and governance tools.

Develop predictive analytics models and share with trusted partners

One of the world’s largest automakers is using Intertrust Platform to create a trusted data exchange ecosystem that enables collaboration with partners for innovative application development.


Robust in-house application development without data warehousing.

Full control over entities sharing and using internal data.

Full adherence to data governance and access management policies.

Full audit reporting for data privacy compliance.

Case study Automotive thumbnail

Governed data analytics environments on virtualized datasets

Unlike data warehouses or data lakes, the Intertrust Platform does not require data to be moved or copied. The Platform operates with existing data stores using secure data virtualization.

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