DigiKoo: data-driven planning for EV charging stations hero graphic

White papers and reports

DigiKoo: data-driven planning for EV charging stations

Find out how Intertrust helps German utilities quickly and securely share grid data to support EV charging station planning.

Germany is in the midst of pushing towards a sustainable economy and reducing CO2 emissions. Electrification of mobility is a crucial part of this. To help encourage the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), German distribution service operators (DSOs), utilities, and municipalities are trying to rapidly grow public EV charging networks. However, they are finding that the lack of easy and quick access to grid information is significantly slowing down the siting and construction of new EV charging stations.

DigiKoo, a subsidiary of the major European utility company E.ON, is using Intertrust to create an automated grid information access service that gives DSOs the ability to easily support such information requests.